
Original Wurlitzer Electronic Piano Service Manuals

If you have ever wanted a handy copy of the original manual to your beloved Wurly — we are now sharing ours!

We started with crisp, quality and authentic vintage Wurlitzer Electronic piano manuals and manually scanned every page with hi-res camera. Not a single page has been left out, and these manuals are highly legible. We have also made the text OCR searchable and restored lines or characters that actually left the factory with less ink from the press. These may in fact be better than the real thing!

For your convenience, we have made two versions of each manual. The first version is the full text. The second version contains just the schematics and diagrams. The full text versions have a lot of good information about servicing Wurlitzer keyboards, and they are definitely worth reading. However, the schematic & diagram versions are much smaller in size, and more convenient if you just need a quick reference.

Note that the OCR process sometimes distorts images. If you are primarily interested in the schematics, you should download the “schematics & diagrams only” version. These have undistorted, high-res, printable versions of all the schematics.

Information on the Wurlitzer 206/206a and 207 teacher models can be found in the Wurlitzer 200/200a manuals.

Wurlitzer schematics by Tropical Fish

We are currently in the process of redrawing Wurlitzer schematics for clarity. These schematics reproduce the original circuit, but change the layout so that the schematic is easier to read. Check back soon as we add more Wurlitzer models, or subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to know about newly-available schematics.

Wurlitzer 112 schematic (redrawn by Tropical Fish)